Explain how biological factors may affect one cognitive process. (8)

Explain (8) – Detailed account including reasons or causes.

Biological factors

Brain Damage

The case study of Clive Wearing (Brain damage)
  • Suffered damage in Hippocampus due to a contraction of a virus.
  • His disease left him with extensive brain damage (parts of his temporal lobes).
  • Suffers from Retrograde and Anterograde amnesia.
  • MRI scanning show damage to the hippocampus and some of frontal regions.
  • Episodic memory and some of his semantic memory are lost.
  • He can still play piano, conduct music and remember his wife.
  • He still has his implicit memory including his emotional memory for his wife.
  • Ecological validity: High, study of a real life case.
  • Low potential ability to generalise because cases are individual.
  • Ethics: Patient’s name was disclosed under consent.

Alzheimer Disease

Hodges et al. – Study of memory of Alzheimer patients
  • Measured semantic memory in AD patients with tasks such as naming pictures of animals and objects.
  • Steady decline in semantic memory observed.