Examine the concepts of normality and abnormality. (22)

Examine (22) - Consider an argument or concept in a way that uncovers the assumptions and interrelationships of the issue.

Deviation from the norm (Statistical infrequency)
Social deviation
Dysfunction and distress
Deviation from mental health
Mental Health Criteria – Jahoda
Condition Explanation
Positive self attitude Having a positive self concept
Self actualisation Striving to fulfill potential
Personal autonomy Being fairly self-reliant
Accurate perception of reality Having a realistic view of ourselves/the world
Adapting to the environment Being flexible and adaptive
Resistance to stress Ability to tolerate anxiety

Point of consideration: Does the criteria still apply considering it was established in 1958?

Seven Criteria of Abnormality – Seligman & Rosenhan
Condition Explanation
Suffering Distress or discomfort.
Maladaptiveness Engage in behaviour that made life more difficult.
Irrationality Incomprehensible, cannot communicate in a reasonable manner.
Unpredictability Act in ways that are unpredictable.
Unconventionality Experiencing things that are different.
Violation of moral and ideal standards Breaking ethical and moral standards.
Observer discomfort Acting in ways that makes other feel discomfort.