Using one or more examples, explain “emic” and “etic” concepts. (8)

Explain (8) – Detailed account including reasons or causes.

Etic – Cross-culture approach

World Health Organisation Study on Depression
[A] A study of diagnosis and classification of depression in Switzerland, Canada, Japan and Iran.
  • 576 patients were studied
  • Used a standard diagnosis system for the four countries
  • 40% of patients displayed symptoms that were not on the classification system.
  • Diagnosis and classification system need an Emic (Culture specific) approach because socially acceptable norms are different in different cultures.

Emic – Cultural specific approach

Bond and Smith – Asch’s Paradigm with different cultures (Conformity/Culture)
Experiment brief
  • Meta-analysis of 133 Asch's Paradigm study in 17 different countries around the world.
  • Individualist societies tend to have a lower rate of conformity (e.g. US, UK, France)
  • Collectivist societies tend to have a higher rate of conformity (e.g. Hong Kong, Fiji, Brazil)
  • Displayed the effect of culture on conformity.
  • Emic approach: took care of the cultural differences around the world individually
  • Evaluative points of Asch's Paradigm apply.